should i take a refresher course and where do i go to do so

by brynn

i am a truck driver went to the a trucking school about three years ago. got my license and thats about all i got! confidents at the time i was training was bad and the trainer did not help much but i got through it.

so, right now im in a straight truck, but i want to get back in the semi, do i start over, go to school again,or what?

since i havent been in a big truck for a while some of the companys i applied at, have some concerns me too!

so what do i do? thanx

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Mar 17, 2010
trucking training refresher course
by: Hervy


I agree with Nick V Bryan, find you a local trucking school and make it happen! It's will be good for you to brush up and plus the companies will be a lot easier to convince to put in you a truck after seeing that you took it.

Let us know which one you ended up going to and how they worked out for ya.

Thanks man,

Mar 15, 2010
I know how ya feel
by: NickV

This is a question that I think by what you are talking about you have already answered. Yeah you probably do need a refresher. Some of the companies will help you pay for it, some schools may give you one for free or maybe at a discounted price. What happened with me is I got hired through CRST. They had said since it had been about 9 months since my graduation that I would need to take a refresher. I went to a driving school in Little Rock for a week at C1 Truck Driver training. Expenses I had to make was $250 bucks. The other 250 was covered by CRST. The refresher course was a five days long. First couple days is just like training. Physicals, they go over a map reading course which helped alot cause Roadmasters trained us on trucks and thats it. The reason why they dont let you drive at first is you have to pass the drug test and physical before you drive their trucks (insurance purposes im sure). While waiting for results they try and work you into one of the classes different obsticles they are doing out in the yard. I had a day where everything was full and just stood around all day but im sure everyones experience is the different. So this place provides rooms to stay in, lots of bathrooms, laundry rooms and so on. Its no Hilton but it does the job. Its over before you know it and your off to orientation for your new company. I honestly would have been 10 times more nervous for my test drive at CRST if I didnt have that 5 days of time to build my confidence and it was only 9 months I didnt drive. Hope this helps and if you have any more questions feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer. Bout to leave to "do the damn thang" as Hervy would say but I get on out there as much as possible. Good Luck with everything

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