Silent treatment on the road

by Linda
(Orlando Fl. U.S.)

My husband has been otr for two years and we kept things strong using texts cell phone and face book. Last time I saw him we had a fight so now he won't answer calls or texts and stopped tagging me on fb.

He knows the kids are grown and gone and I'm alone and lonely. I stopped trying to reason with him via texts about 3 weeks into the silent treatment.

I know he's alive and running because of his posts on fb. So what would you do? Just wait or get a divorce lawyer.

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Mar 16, 2017
Hang in there NEW
by: Anonymous

I know my trucker sometimes gets into areas where reception and cell service is all but non existent for weeks at a time. It's hard when I don't hear from him. You may want to give him the benefit of the doubt where he hasn't contacted you for a while. I know my post is late and hopefully he had contacted you. Three weeks is too soon to call it quits. Hang I there.

Dec 02, 2016
Ask if you can ride along for a trip....
by: Anonymous

Get out there with him.

See what's happening. If it's not good in his world ou may be totally mis-perceiving what is happening.

Chances are, the argument was forgotten.

The highway is an unforgiving and thankless road. Have you had a taste of it?

You might think he's having the time of his life. My guess is, he feels like he's on the highway to hell.

See if he will let you in on his view on life right now. Worse case scenario, you take a bus home.

Best case scenario; you share some empathy.

Trucking is not glamorous, even if you drive a nice rig. It's a hell of a lifestyle.

Give it a chance before you throw it away. That's my take on it.

Dec 01, 2016
Your call on what to do
by: Hervy

You probably have to take into account what the argument was about. I am guessing there is either a direct or indirect connection with the argument and his current behavior.

The question is what role has both of you played in what has transpired?

I would say while you are waiting to reconnect, check and see if there was something you could have said or done differently. If so you would find it useful to apologize for that.

However, I am not saying take the blame for anything. I am saying see if you were out of line any. If not, then of course it would be him over reacting and being immature.

In which case, I would say when things are normalized to have a conversation about how to deal with disagreements or arguments in the future.

If you guys can't agree on how to talk things out in the future, then I would suggest bringing in a 3rd party to hear both sides and give you feedback as a couple.

Best wishes, hope everything is back to normal soon.

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