Silverlinings around a cloud - (Broken relationships can be repaired, find the real problem)


My husband and i are going through some troublesome times, we actually had discussed divorce, which absolutely devastated me so bad that i lost 30 lbs, in one month. i know , what you are thinking "no-way", but it is true, and believe me you do not ever want to go there. being on the other end of your truck drivers life is so hard,and can be down right depressing.

you see i had became so withdrawn and preoccupied with helping others and work, trying to remain devoted and committed to my husband, that all those things that was keeping me busy, had gotten in the way of our very little time together, and i honestly did not realize it at the time, sometimes we take the most important things in life for granted.

I found this web- site back when my husband had actually offered me money to leave, the same day my father was put into i.c.u. and 2 days before Christmas, my life had became a living hell, of course he denies that there has been or is someone else, but my gut , says something different. i always said that if i ever had any suspicion of anything like that , i would leave, but guess what," i was wrong". i got some very good advice from some really wonderful people right here, on this web, and took a look back and could see, my role, in this terrible nightmare.

i am determined to make my marriage work and to restore my husbands love for me, with a lot of praying and down right seducing my poor husband to the point of pure exhaustion on his part, i have to admit a part of me is really loving this end of things, i have joined curves, after all i have lost all of that weight,and i have to admit for the first time in a long time, I'm loving what i see in the mirror,and even better than that , "i know he does".

i know that i took the long way around just to tell all of you dedicated trucker wives to never take your relationship for granted, but honestly would you really took me serious if i had, always remember our spouse is one half of us and that half needs to feel loved, cherished and wanted just like we do, so when that man comes home give it all you've got girls, and remember that if you don't take care of the affairs at home {,somebody else will}.i send all my love and prayers to each one of you, for you are my sisters, God bless.

willacoochee ga.

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Feb 20, 2010
So glad :)
by: Jennifer S


I am so glad things are working out for you. This is not a life for the meek of heart. Even for me, I write advice columns, opened our Support group. It is very difficult. There are those that enjoy the life of being married to a driver . I cannot say though, that I know many myself.

I am very glad things are working out for you. Remember life is about attitude. We can think negatively, and I promise there will be negative consequences...

We all know that, but it is so hard to remember that!


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