Single Female Thinking of Truckin'

by Erica
(Buford, GA )


Well as my subject states I am single, no children, have spent the last 2 years wasting time and money to try and get into the medical field, only to realize that I hate it.

I have actually been kicking the idea of becoming a OTR for several years, but have gotten more serious in the last month or so (I actually started calling schools and looking at getting the ball rolling).

Not really sure other than looking for a school, where to start, what I will need, what to really expect. Since I have no real obligations tying me home the world (or road) is my oyster.

Basically I am looking for advice, suggestions, and just general knowledge. I know that the inspection is VERY important, and so is the paperwork (which is fine with me I was an office manager for many years and keeping records is my thing, plus it lets me physically see my progression).

Since women are starting to get into the profession more and more is great. I do not know how some of the old truckers feel about this, but I will guarantee one thing I am not afraid of hard work.

I look forward to the different responses and I want to thank you for having this site. Kinda nice to have something that gives information in one place.


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Feb 17, 2010
by: (Pete} Ralph Gilbert

You are already doing the right thang by being on this web site. You will learn more from other truckers. Trucking is what you make it. Keep in mind that tucking is very important job. Trucking gets product to companys, Food to stores, medical suppies to hospitals. Fuel inorder to keep our County moving. I was a Safety Advisor for oil Refinerys and EMT. Befor that I had 25 Years in graphic arts. But all them years I always wanted to be on the road due to the freedom and see some of the world and meet all kids of peaple. You will have bad days just like any job but just think positive and have fun in doing anything you do. I hope this help you make the right move in Trucking. Pete

Jan 02, 2010
Dont let anybody dismiss your job
by: Madd-Dogg

You make sure to keep you head straight when you're surrounded by guys showing off some macho attitude and be sure to get all the info you need to make your training and job more enjoyable.

By the way congrats

Dec 30, 2009
To Females Thinking of Truckin
by: Hervy

Hello Erica,

Thanks for stopping by. I have talked to many lady truckers most say that they love trucking and are not treated any differently (in a negative way) than the average guy. Of course you will be harassed or shown extra attention by guys on the CB and possibly at the truck stops but that shouldn't bother you unless you have a very fragile personality.

Most of the more inappropriate display of male attention is usually started by how the woman presents herself.

Companies are actively seeking women, especially U.S. Express and a few other that you will find in the truckers magazines with articles geared toward woman.

Here is more information about becoming a trucker.
Watch the video to learn what to expect as a trucker and read below the video for even more info. Follow the links about choosing a trucking school, choosing a company, etc.
becoming a trucker

Here is more information about women in trucking and an interview with Gene who is a lady trucker.

women in trucking

Dec 30, 2009
by: Anonymous

Be sure and watch Dan Rather's 2 reports on trucking schools. If that doesn't scare you then you will probably be fine.

Dec 30, 2009
She's considering it.
by: Jimmy

Look at "words of wisdom" on the left. I've posted tons of info there. You need to read it and digest it and make up your own mind. The opportunities for women are the same as men. Let us know how it works out. Jimmy

Dec 30, 2009
by: Anonymous

Write an email to ,

Dec 30, 2009
by: Erica

Keep the comments coming. I really do appreciate. As far as the attention goes, I am not too worried about it, I am pretty thick skinned, plus I was raised by a sailor (as my mom would say) and have a mouth to prove it, of course there is a time and place for everything.

I read Rather's report and checked out Desiree's site. Interesting bits of information. That is the main reason that I am researching. I want to get the best for my time and money and really rather not be screwed w/o lube (sorry if that offends anyone).

I will keep y'all posted as my research and and decision progress.

Thanks again.

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