single mom wanting answers

I am a single mom of a 15 yr old boy. I want to learn to drive. I was wondering after a year of experience would I be able to take him with me and have him do an online high school diploma.

I think itwould be a good experience for the both of us if it could be pulled off.

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Sep 21, 2014
Fellow Mother Trucker NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a line haul trucker with 4 children. 2 have moved out of the house (they are of course adults now) which left me with my two sons ages 7 & 12.
My 7 year old has begged me to home school him in the truck and if it was only him I would do it in a heartbeat. I have gone through 5 nannies in the past 9 months due to my inconsistent hours and, unfortunately this profession allows for minimal involvment in their education. Therefore I am trusting someone who may or may not give a s**t about their future. The only reason I'm telling you all of this is so you know that I completely understand.
I know a woman owner op who home schooled her son on the road (long haul). They were very successful.
Long story short, you can do anything! You are a strong, confident woman trying to provide for her family and ensure that your child gets an education.
Try it for a while. Only then will you know for sure if it will work. But from one mother to another if we set our minds on something for our children. ..nothing can stop us.

Sep 21, 2014
Fellow Mother Trucker NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a line haul trucker with 4 children. 2 have moved out of the house (they are of course adults now) which left me with my two sons ages 7 & 12.
My 7 year old has begged me to home school him in the truck and if it was only him I would do it in a heartbeat. I have gone through 5 nannies in the past 9 months due to my inconsistent hours and, unfortunately this profession allows for minimal involvment in their education. Therefore I am trusting someone who may or may not give a s**t about their future. The only reason I'm telling you all of this is so you know that I completely understand.
I know a woman owner op who home schooled her son on the road (long haul). They were very successful.
Long story short, you can do anything! You are a strong, confident woman trying to provide for her family and ensure that your child gets an education.
Try it for a while. Only then will you know for sure if it will work. But from one mother to another if we set our minds on something for our children. ..nothing can stop us.

Sep 21, 2014
Fellow Mother Trucker NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a line haul trucker with 4 children. 2 have moved out of the house (they are of course adults now) which left me with my two sons ages 7 & 12.
My 7 year old has begged me to home school him in the truck and if it was only him I would do it in a heartbeat. I have gone through 5 nannies in the past 9 months due to my inconsistent hours and, unfortunately this profession allows for minimal involvment in their education. Therefore I am trusting someone who may or may not give a s**t about their future. The only reason I'm telling you all of this is so you know that I completely understand.
I know a woman owner op who home schooled her son on the road (long haul). They were very successful.
Long story short, you can do anything! You are a strong, confident woman trying to provide for her family and ensure that your child gets an education.
Try it for a while. Only then will you know for sure if it will work. But from one mother to another if we set our minds on something for our children. ..nothing can stop us.

Jun 23, 2014
school excursion... NEW
by: Anonymous

Taking a child on the road is NOT a good idea. It will je hardercthan you think for him to study while on the road. Do you reallly think he will be able to concentrate on his school work on a very loud truck, rocking back and forth, traveling into the night disturbing his rest, eating junky foods? If you yhink that sounds like a great adventure for him leaving his home base and friends then may God bless you.

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