Sitting and sleeping in a box truck for 4 days and nights, is this legal?

by Kelly Lawson
(Mt. Airy, NC 27030)

My husband sit in Arizona for 4 days and 4 nights in a box truck, waiting for a load. Finally they moved him to El Paso where he sat for a night and day. He slept on a piece of foam. So he got tired of waiting and couldn't take the physical and mental abuse and came home, and now the company refuses to pay him.

They won't even answer the phone's or call us back. Is this even legal and also, because of the stress my husband is going through, we may end going to the hospital because he has been have severe headaches.

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Dec 04, 2019
Sleep in box truck with out sleeper
by: Anonymous

I have the same problem I’m box truck driver and I use the e log and the truck I drive don’t have any place to sleep. I spen all. Week away. From home away. From family and kids sleeping in this box truck with out. Sleeper if. Any. One have number to call. The dot or any ppl. Can. Help me let. Them. Pay my. Hotel will. Be held full

Jul 18, 2017
Sprinter Van Driver NEW
by: CP

How are the laws applicable to Sprinter drivers who do not use elog/paper log and get a load for 4 days which mandates they have to sleep across their front seats for three nights? I have had dried up to 1215 and 17 hours straight in one night or face termination. Shortly after starting this job they strated the process of The Starving out and let me sit for 9 days just to see if I'd quit.

Mar 27, 2015
time to get a lawyer. NEW
by: Anonymous

This is very illegal.a driver needs a minimum 8 hours sleeper berth time or 10 hours off duty after 14 hours on duty.sitting in the cab of a truck with no sleeper berth is (on duty not driving).So he spent 4 days on duty which is very illegal.being that he is in a box truck with no sleeper berth the company has to pay the cost of a hotel or re emberse him.You have a very good case to sue for his pay.Also let the federal D.O.T know of this treatment of his is not legal to spend days away from home on the road without sleeper berth time or hotel stay.This is very wrong on so many levels.hope this helps and good luck.

Mar 25, 2015
get a lawyer NEW
by: Anonymous

sue them srsly.

Mar 25, 2015
What was the agreement ? NEW
by: Jimmy

A box truck ? I'm assuming you mean a 6 wheeler 26' van. Normally, this isn't an OTR set-up, but it's legal, however, driver needs to stay in motel as "resting" lying across the front seat doesn't count as sleeper time.

So when Hubby hired on, what was the job description ? Was he told he would travel to far away places and sleep in the front seat while waiting for a load ? Did he have an agreement about who pays for food/motels etc ?

When this isn't spelled out at the hiring/interview, stuff like this happens. Good luck…..Jimmy

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