So which company should I go with for being basically a rookie?

I have about 7 months tractor/trailer experience.But the company I worked for was really bad. I never knew if my paycheck would bounce or not sometimes with them.

Then I switched seats and picked up a job driving a city bus for the past 8 years. The pay is really good. But that's starting to go south because of the economy. So what experience I have is old and needs updated.

Anyways I have two companies that are interested in me and want me to come to train and work for them. One is Watkins & Shepard. They offer flat bedding what I did before. The other is CFI ( Central Ref ), and they are based local for me here in western Washington.

But both of course are for OTR positions for 48 and Canada. My wife has given me the green light to go trucking. With CFI a buddy of mine who has no experience at all wants to go there and run as a team with me.

I have no problem with that being that I can bring more money home running in a team.

But I keep thinking that Watkins & Shepard would be a better choice, almost all the drivers who have work for them. Have reported online that they are a good company.

So who to choose? Any thoughts are gladly excepted on this.

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Nov 14, 2011
Watkins vs CFI
by: Hervy

Man, I have heard more positive feedback about both of these than negative.

I don't know what to tell you though because I like Watkins Shepard better because they do what I used to do a lot. So I am biased. I talked to the guys and think they are a pretty good company.

CFI based on drivers that I talked to are pretty good to but I think that depends on which driver you talk to.

Since they are where you are, it may be a better place for you especially if you need to get home.

You want to compare the things that is most important to you with both companies, because as far as the companies on it's own merit, they are both good choices.

How often would Watkins be able to get you home? and is that satisfactory to you?

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