some days are better than others...

by Shannon

I have been with my driver 2 years now, married a year and a half. I won't sugar coat it...the first year was a real challenge. We fought. A LOT. I hated his job.

Seriously. We even split up for four months.. got back together. Doing loads better now. Going good and going strong now.

My driver is otr 3-4 weeks then home for about 4 or 5 days. I still cry when he leaves out, sometimes I cry when I miss him when he's gone too. It used to be a daily thing and I got really depressed.

Then I had to get a handle on it and realize he's out there, busting his ass to provide for us, not just touring the country having a vacation. And he provides real well too I might add!

Also had to realize he was lonely for me too. And missing me just as much.

He's a good man, takes care of me and the kids and of things around the house when he is home so I don't have to worry while he's away. And I take care of what I can while he's out so he doesn't need to do it when he's on home time.

I also learned you have to keep busy while they are out. Find things to do that you enjoy and don't dwell on how long they've been otr or long till they get home.

Find other TW's to talk to that know where you're coming from. Talk to your driver a lot.. about, send pictures, texts, whatever you need to do to keep the connection and communication going.

I think the things I love about being a truckers wife are because he is gone most of the month, its like a honeymoon when he gets home!!! That rocks.

I always look forward to my man pulling that rig in the driveway and being reunited with him. Can't say that about a 9-5er... (my ex was one of those.. I dreaded him coming home miserable every night). I also enjoy the time I have to myself.

To a certain extent. There are plenty of times I wish he was here with me. But its really helped me to be a stronger and more independent woman.

I am real proud to be able to say I'm a TRUCKER'S WIFE!!

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Dec 01, 2012
Good for you NEW
by: Anonymous

Keep strong and keep up the good work! :)

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