Some general trucking questions from newbies

by ShaynaM
(Conway, SC)

So, my partner and I are super new to this. I just had a few questions and would love some input!

1. I know it depends on the company, but how much home time do your husbands and boyfriends get?

2. Who do you think has the best cell phone coverage/reception, coast to coast? (Right now, she has T-Mobile and I have AT&T, but her phone doesn't really work well in Indiana, and we live in the country, so I have to go outside to use mine).

3. Have any of your significant others used Bluetooth? If so, do you know how much it cost? I know it's pretty pricey, but it's gotta be worth it!

4. What are some good groceries to stock the truck with so we don't waste money on fast food?

5. Do they have to pay for anything other than food and toiletries when they drive on their own?

6. This one maybe a little silly, but when they come home with their truck, it's just the cab right? Not the whole thing???

Once she finishes training and gets to come home for a few days, in July, I think, I will feel much better because we'll be able to pack her up with a bunch of necessities she wasn't able to take with her.

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May 06, 2012
Cell Phone NEW
by: Debbie

We have verizon and my husband's trainer has T-Moble. They have been all over the country and both seem to work really well.

May 02, 2012
cell phones NEW
by: Jonathan

As far as cell phones I have Sprint and they have excellent coverage and I believe Verizon does as well

May 02, 2012
blue tooth NEW
by: Anonymous

It depends on what u want. A good noise cancelling blue tooth is suggested, they cost a lil more but well worth it cause the truck engine noise, an open window will create a lot of noise and u won't be able to hear her. I have the blue parrot, it is pretty good and she will need one if she wants to talk cause of the new laws. As for prices the good ones range between 80-140.

May 02, 2012
Thank you NEW
by: Anonymous

Very helpful!

May 02, 2012
home time NEW
by: Jonathan

It really does depend on company and their policies, most depends how long out, like out two weeks and get two days at home, a month out maybe three or four and that is what they consider off she may spend part of the first getting home but they count that as one whole day.

May 02, 2012
few answers NEW
by: Jonathan

She may have to pay for showers, most fuel stops give a free one with fuel purchase so tell her to get the rewards cards from the fuel stops she's allowed to use

As far as grocieries whatever she likes munching on and getting a plug in cooler will help tremendously then she can take lunch meats and drinks and mayo, ect.

When she comes home more than likely it will be both truck and trailer, especially if she has a load on.

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