Son killed by trucker who was driving while disqualified

by Rebecca Fell
(Waterloo, in, usa)

My son was killed in an accident where he was hit by a semi, the driver of the semi was disqualified from having a cdl before the accident what does this mean for our family...what can we do about this

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Nov 27, 2016
by: Anonymous

... Lawyer up.

If it was an Owner Operator your attorney will go after the Carrier and the O.O

If it was a company driver it's a slam dunk.

I don't understand why you are asking here what to do?

You should be asking your attorney and getting ready for a landslide of money.

Not sure if you are asking the right question for a Truckers forum.

Since you are asking here, I would ask "was the trucker 'at fault?'

If not, there will be variables in your lawsuit.

Was your son... well, how old was he, was he driving another vehicle, was he a passenger, was he a child, etc. etc....??

Either way, I am sorry for your loss. I don't know your son, nor do I have a remote clue as to what you are going through.

If your son was not at fault or intoxicated or under the influence and he was driving... and the trucker was at fault while driving in a DQ status... there will be a large payout.

The question would be, "would you settle?" or would you keep pushing for more. Money doesnt bring your son back and spending the money will feel strange. Like you are benefiting from a loss. I do know that feeling.

If you are looking to put the driver away, it could happen, but again, variables, it depends what he was DQ'd for ... curious how you got that information. It may have been a temporary status that was in the process of being rectified and he was just not in possession of the proper paperwork.

Too much information that is in "discovery' right now.

Let us know how this plays out...

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