soon to be a wife of a trucker

by starie night

Hello all, Im marrying my trucker boyfriend in October and at the end of this month we are moving closer to his terminal.

When we first met he was a trucker but after a few dates when he was home, he decided that he wanted to try to stay around our area and find something else to do. A few months ago he wanted to go back to trucking. It was really hard for me to accept but so far it has been going well. I miss him terribly and didnt know what to expect.

Today he started doing a team drive and its for a dedicated delevery and pickups. So he is suppose to be home every weekend, its going to be a wait and see for right now. I would love to have him home every weekend that would be more than what he was home for before.

I have complete trust in him and we talk at least 5 times a day. It is hard especially because I have 3 children (from a preivious marriage). And because we are moving soon I quit my job so right now Im home all the time. Luckly we have two vehicles so I dont have to drive him up to his truck or anything.

Thank you all for letting me vent even though its all random.


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