South Carolina Trucking

S. Carolina D.O.T. and Roads Conditions
CDL and Commercial Vehicle Services S. C. Trucking Association

I'm trucking in South Carolina today in this vlog.  I can't deliver at Food Lion until this evening.  So I parked at the Loves exit 108 off I 95 and shot this vlog talking to yall in Summerton and Elloree and all of South Carolina about trucking.

Notice that I'm walking with a ruck sack to get exercise.  I go the dollar general to get some bowls and forks so I can eat the food that I take with me.

But TODAY I visit a restaurant that is right across the street from the Loves and get some soul food veggies (and mac n cheese )

And this is why you want to eat a great selection of food on the regular.  So that when you come across restaurants that you want to try out, you can do so.  With no guilt!

OTR SC Truck Driving Jobs

The most common trucking jobs you'll find in S. Carolina is OTR.  You can find them on indeed or any job board.  You can find local community colleges to get your CDL or free CDL training or attend the private truck driving school.

Part Time Trucking and Local Jobs

There are all type of trucking jobs in South Carolina including part time SC trucking jobs and local SC trucking jobs

Often these types of trucking jobs require a little experience first but you just have to look at see what's available.  If need be you can go OTR to get your experience than go local or regional.

Place to Find Trucking Job

Pay attention to the manufacturers and distribution centers. Notice what South Carolina produces and see if there are trucking needs at the source, for instance farms or coops and manufacturers of goods with their own trucks.

More and more distribution centers and manufactures are coming into the state due to low cost of labor and favorable climate and proximity to other states.  So keep your eyes open.

Let's take a look at some info from Wiki on South Carolina. The South Carolina farmers are growing rice, soybeans, and tobacco in large quantities. The are also raising poultry, hogs and cattle. From these cattle they also produce a lot of dairy products. They need to get to market or a processing facility.

Textiles is still big business in South Carolina, as well as automobiles and related products, chemical products, paper products and machinery production.

South Carolina benefits greatly from tourism. That may not interest you so much but it also means that retail goods and food service delivery near those locations will need increased service by truckers. Most of the tourism in South is the beautiful beaches.

South Carolina is a great location for transportation logistics. Twelve interstates and two proposed plus 12 state highways wind through. There is plenty of freight companies to choose from.

There are also may be opportunities to establish direct relationships with shippers and receivers those those wanting to start their own trucking company.

Commercial Driver Local Resources

Please post your trucker friendly local resource. Start with the City.

In the descriptions list the name, address and relevant information.


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Reds Soul Food Restaurant With Truck Parking Near Not rated yet
I recently had the pleasure of visiting a soul food restaurant that catered not only to my taste buds but also to my need for convenience as a truck driver. …

Diesel Mechanic in Latta South Carolina Not rated yet
I stopped at the South Carolina Flying J at exit 181 to see if I could get a used tire that wasn't a recap. I had called Flying J shop and they said …

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South Carolina Trucking

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