Spc Atkinson Nathen U.S. Army

by Nathen Atkinson
(Kansas City, Missouri)

I have a question, What do you recommend as far as excercise goes while on the road?

Also, a quick ego boost for you here; I love what your doing it's nice to see people that care about someone other than themself.

Thank you for all the advise and I hope you have time to read this.

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Jan 12, 2012
Did you make it NEW
by: Hervy

SPC Atkinson. Did you make it out here yet man?

By the way, do you have any relatives in Houston names Atkinson. Deltron?

Apr 29, 2011
by: Nathen Atkinson

Thanks that sounds like it'd help out. I hear you about the lack of being able to force yourself to exercise here and there. Sounds like that shadowboxing would help a lot though.

Quick question; I'm starting school soon for my CDL. I was just wondering how the first couple months of driving regularly treats you and if it gets difficult at any specific points?

Thanks again Hervy!

Apr 28, 2011
Cardio on the Road
by: Hervy

Spc Atkinson, thanks for service. At ease soldier the formalities not necessary here. Hervy is fine! :-)

Well I do a few jumping jacks every so often, (not nearly often enough) And sprint about from place to place time to time (also not nearly enough).

But these and many other traditional methods of training is still the best for effectiveness and convenience. You have plenty enough time for either. Running around the truck and trailer for either 32 or 38 times (i forget which) is a mile.

Lunges and Suicides plus the stuff you do in PT is perfect for the road. You can get all that if that is your desire. Most of us simply don't have the desire or the discipline to make it happen. I probably shadow box more than anything while unloading the truck.

Even I am going through some type of silly phase at the moment where I think of exercising more than I act upon the thought. strange.

Thanks for forcing me to mentally exercise my mind. Maybe I will go and do something now. Well in a minute...lol.

Don't know if you saw this page or not
healthy trucker tips

Apr 27, 2011
Excercise Typo
by: Spc Atkinson, Nathen

Sorry about this sir, but what I actually meant to ask was; what do you recommend as far as cardio while on the road? Is it the usual run around in circles or do things like jumping jacks, etc. or do you have anything else you recommend.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this and if you do have any advice It would be very helpful as a soldier I need a lot of cardio in order to keep up what im doing now once I get on the road! Thanks again and Good luck!

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