speech about truckers

by mia
(new zealand)

well im doing a speech about truck drivers and there pies and i need some informationon on why they like pies so much please.

p.s.as soon as possable please.

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Oct 01, 2009
Do truckers supposed to have pie addictions?
by: Hervy

Lol, well that is not the worst thing I supposed.

I don't know anything about the condition of which you speak to give you insight for a speech Mia, sorry. I do like pies but don't eat them much, too much sugar. Cheese cake is my favorite.

I just don't see how you can give a speech on truckers and their pies!

Maybe truckers and unhealthy food altogether.

Unless, the truckers there in New Zealand are know to be pie addicts or something.

I would love to hear more about how your topic came about for the speech.

You know what, I just met someone from New Zealand Yesterday, very nice guy.

He is travel across USA promoting a product for Kayaks.

Aug 01, 2009
Pies, burgers,ice cream, soda pop.
by: Jimmy

Me personally, I like pie,(chocolate creme), but probably as many like pie as don't. Food tastes vary with truckers just as much as doctors/carpenters/sales clerks etc. Your speech should be why do truckers like coffee so much. Jimmy

Aug 01, 2009
by: Jennifer S


Ummmm, I am quite confused. Pies? as in Chocolate Pie? Apple Pie? If you are, then you have been given a Stereo-type that I have yet to hear about lol


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