Speeding ticket in Arizona of 19 over.

by Robert
(Tucson ,az)

I recently got a ticket for 19 over. I thought the speed limit was 45 I knew I was doing about 50 officer clocked me doing 54 turned out the speed limit was 35. I have a hazmat will they suspend it???? My company hauls hazmat but I didn't have any on.

I haven't had a ticket for 13 years driving commercial for 11 years. I'm gonna dispute it in hopes the judge may change it to a lesser speed. Any help on the hazmat being suspended live in Tucson arizona


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Feb 13, 2011
Excessive Speeding
by: Hervy

Robert if it is your first ticket in 13 years who knows, they may cut you some slack. Hard to guess because think about it hazmat and excessive speeding in 35. It's ugly. No way around it, and I know people make mistakes and sometimes we can miss a sign but still it's 54 in a 35 on a Hazmat!

All I can say is what you already said, go to court and see if they will get it dropped to a lessor speed.

I hope it wasn't in a work zone.

well keep your eyes open man and slow it down. It's really not worth it man. You can't make up enough time worth risk getting speeding tickets like that.

Don't let the CB Rambos influence you to believe anything else, what am I talking about your an experienced driver.

Ok, peace. Good luck. Slow down. I am nosey, let me know what happens. Hervy

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