speeding ticket on my personal vehicle

by gabriel
(los angeles california)

I got a speeding ticket on my personal vehicle...i was driving at the same speed as the traffic ....my Question is can I still get my class A license?

My driving test is on December 21 and my court date is on the 4rd of January

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Dec 01, 2015
They may ask....
by: Anonymous

If they are too lazy to look up the VC, but "no" a speeding ticket in your personal vehicle ( under triple-digits)

Is percieved MUCH DIFFERENTLY than a speeding ticket in a Commercial Vehicle.

BTW, if you ever do get a speeding ticket in a CM, MAKE SURE YOU GO TO COURT AND FIGHT THAT SHIZ!

get it exponged, somehow, some way. It may cost u some $$$$ and an attorney, but it's worth it.

Dec 01, 2015
Travel highway speed
by: Hervy

I can imagine you being frustrated with that Gabriel. I've had it happen in my early days as well.

One of those things. Because everyone else is doing it won't guarantee you get away with it...that's for sure.

However, it will not keep you from getting your CDL. It will keep some companies from considering you, since it is so fresh. If it was more than 5 over, even more so. And the higher it is over the posted speed, the more it will affect you negatively in your job search.

If that is the only ticket, you may still get a driving job. Call around to about 20 companies and see what their response is to that 1 ticket. See if that disqualifies you to drive for their company.

That will help you feel comfortable about whether going for it is a good decision or not. Otherwise, you will likely be bothered about whether you are doing the right thing or not.

No point in letting that doubt reside in your mind long term. End it by making some calls and getting some feedback from where it counts the most.

Best of luck,

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