splitting drive time

Ive got a pick up at 06:00 on 4/2 and deliver at 01:00 on 4/3 how would you split this driving time

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Apr 02, 2013
Best Solution NEW
by: NickV

Team driving can be one heck of a ride and from former experience I can speak loudly on this. Your best bet is to just switch out on 11 hour shifts no mater what. This way someone isn't always driving at night, someone isn't always having the pick UPS or deliveries, it works best. I teamed up with some real winners when I worked at CRST and one kid would fudge his hours to make it so I drive every single night no matter what. His excuse was that he got tired at night, and i'm some robot or something? Y'all are going to split the miles no matter so you may as well skip the drama and just do shifts. What happens in your shift happens. If you have to sit around waiting for a load in your shift then that's what happened. Cause let's be honest you can't sit around and wait for a load awake and off the logs, get a load, and then drive for 11 hours. Team driving is a pain and finding a good Co driver is 98% of the battle

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