stand by your truck drivin' man

by Susan

My husband decided he was going to put himself through truck driving school while I was pregnant with our son.

I was very skeptical at first,not really knowing how it was to go pretty much down right scared. I had heard truck driving stories all of my life. My father was a truck driver and so is his dad. My father cheated on my mother always had no time for us or for her. It seemed all that mattered was his truck, money, and other women.

My husband and I have a beautiful marriage. We have such an awesome unconditional love that is hard to find and even harder to keep!Always someone trying to destroy what we have worked so hard to build. We are the very best of friends.

My marriage is romantic, loyal, trusting, and very open. A lot of our friends are jealous of what we have and what we feel for each other.

We were struggling to make ends meet living hand to mouth not knowing where our next meal was coming from,stress levels was terrible. He knew he had to do something and his father knew of our situation and encouraged him to get his CDLs.

He started school and for the first time I saw a man full of hope and excitement and eager for change.I saw a man determined to make a better life for his family.He graduated top of his class not even having a high school diploma!

Words cannot describe how proud of him i was that day.IT came time for him to leave and I couldn't stop the inevitable. I packed his bag with a little love note inside cause i felt in some way he could carry a piece of me with him. I hugged and kissed him bye as we both began to cry.Both scared of being apart and sleeping alone.

At first I felt empty inside like a piece of my heart was missing.It was difficult to say the least. Take care of the home, kids,bills, problems, school, etc..the list is endless. I stayed exausted.
Finally I said, if it doesn't get done it will be there tomorrow and i started spending quality time with our kids and myself.

I cannot let myself go, by keeping busy to fill the void of him being away. After all he doesn't want to come home to a worn out raggedy wife and a house full of turmoil. I have experienced worry, doubt, anxiety, and insecurities, but if you have trust all those doubts fears anxiety goes right out the door as time passes and you get used to this new experience.

He has tight schedules to keep and only a certain amount of time to get to his destination.There is no "play"time. The truck is rolling 24-7(teaming with his dad). I know there are truck drivers out there that mess around on there wives I know first hand from my father.

Bottom what you know to do to keep you man happy.Give him something to look forward too,something worth coming home too!Cherish every moment together,stand my your man and support him and the sacrifices that he makes everyday.

All i have to do is look back at the times we lived hand to mouth not knowing where our next meal was coming from.Makes you wake and realize we have come a long ways baby!!!! I am constantly dreaming up and thinking of ways to blow his mind.

I sit and fantasize about what i would like to do with him to make our marriage exciting and interesting.

I go out and buy the things needed to fulfill what i have fantasized about doing.Put some excitement into your time spent together making him wonder what is next. Throw hits bits and pieces of what is to come when he walks through the door.Guaranteed he will want to come home! No one likes boring routines.

Throw some spur of the moment, edge of your seat, just do it stuff into your plan. Sparks will fly and you will see that he hasn't forgotten where home is. Keep the home fires burning and never let it go out.

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Jun 25, 2009
Stand by your man- Looks like you have that covered
by: Jennifer Schnittker


Thanks for sharing, it seems as if we are of the same mind-set.

It is not easy being a truckers wife- and for the most part it is totally unrewarding. However, just to know that the one you love is happy--that is reward enough in my book.


Jun 05, 2009
Text book story of a how to be a truckers wife
by: Hervy

Thanks so much Susan,

You are definitely on the right track for long term happiness. A lot of women need to read what you've said and not only wives of truckers. Thanks for taking the time for sharing.

You are exactly right about keeping that excitement in the relationship and one thing really makes that easy.

Start with the right person. Make sure the person you give your time to for the possibility of falling in love is worth your time in the first place.

To the ladies - Stop dealing with clowns that don't care about anyone but him or herself.

(And be sure to teach this to your daughters. The reason we have so many single moms right now is because the girls are not being taught how to choose their friends and how to build good relationships, so they get pregnant by clowns who don't care about them.)

Susan, the joy that you and your husband is experiencing wouldn't be possible if either of you were self centered.

I love seeing this, it gives others hope for happiness and maybe some instruction for other wives. Tell your haters that they should spend their time taking notes on how to build strong relationships with deserving people instead of wasting time trying to destroy someone else's glory.

Wish you many more years. Hope you will return and give some advice to some of the ladies on here when you get a chance.

One more thing to the ladies that are reading this. I want you to understand this, if you have a good man, with the attitude that Susan has. . .
the woman has full control of the direction of the relationship. That man will do anything she wants him to do because of her attitude, I promise you. If the man if good to you all you have to do is follow Susan's footsteps and I promise you will have a good strong relationship and that guy will take a bullet for you and his family.

But you start with the right man.

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