Standing alone and together

by Tania
(Tulare, CA, USA)

I believe the hardest thing I have learned about being a truckers wife is standing alone, just being use to the idea that most importantly I raise my three boys on my own in a daily basis.

I'm having to learn to raise my family alone but not hold it against my husband because he is working to support our family too so I'm learning to stand together.

The husbands have to show appreciation above all if your wife is home raising children it is not an easy task to do while you are away. Kids need constant attention in school at home on a daily basis for so many different things.

There are easier days sometimes and some days you feel the world has knocked you down and you do so much.

Truckers have their own hardships to face and the hardest is being away those they love most, long exhausting hours and most company's don't appreciate all the sacrifices of sleep and family to get a job done.

Any marriage has its ups and downs but that of a trucker has many more challenges that pay off in the end but require a lot of patience, strength, love and dedication from every family member

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Mar 19, 2017
Thank you NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for sharing this. My husband just went back over the road. I am a stay at home mom who home schools and volunteers at a Christian camp. It gets very hard to remember that this is just as hard on him as it is me. Being away from each other and the kids is something that I have to remember is hard for all of us, not just me.
Thank you for sharing your story and reminding me the positive ways to look at this again.

Oct 12, 2016
Great Post NEW
by: Ice_Mystic

Thanks for your post, your insight and honesty is nice to read, especially for us who are just starting or new to the "Truckers Wife/Girlfriend" lifestyle. Great Post

Oct 12, 2016
Well balanced and insightful
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing a well balanced and insightful post.

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