Starting a family and trucking is in the way

My husband has been a trucker now for four years. He recently switched jobs that was to make him home more but it actually makes him home less..

We have been trying to start a family for 2 years and we know we need to have dr help... I'm at my breaking point I feel that trucking is more important then me...

What am I to do?

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Dec 24, 2018
just a question NEW
by: Anonymous

How do you expect him to pay for the des help while being ho.e. If those wheels are not moving then he is not making. Try talking to him about it.. maybe he has a good reason .. like giving g you the family you want.

Aug 27, 2016
This is getting to be an EXTREMELY popular
by: Anonymous

concern for women...

So many things to say, but nothing means anything.

Bottom line: He is gone, you are home alone

You either deal with it however you are going to deal with it, or you don't

More than likely you will NOT be able to pull him off the road.

If you do manage to, and he does this for you, but hates his 9 to 5 job...


Aug 27, 2016
Develop a road map
by: Hervy

what is dr help?

But other than that, you and him sit together and develop a plan.

You say that yous guys been trying to start a family but I don't know how organized that has been.

I have run into people who say they have been trying to do something but it was a vague effort with little focus and not plan. That is how other things interfere.

With that being done, you either get on the same page and better prioritize. Its also easier to monitor how things are going.

I mean is the current situation temporary or a reality just realized about the new job. If it's temporary then not much to worry about. If it is not what yous guys expected then obviously another move has got to be made if the priority is for him to be home.

Is he saving money? Are you seek alternate ways to earn? So that he can eventually come off of the road? Have you even talked about him coming off of the road? Are you on the same page with that?

Like a said, having a solid specific goals enables you to better plan and then actions are always in line with the desired outcome.

Here is a page where I talk about this
Peace of mind

Hope things work out.

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