starting looking again after being let go from trucking after 4 incidents in 3 months

by Larry
(Spring Hope, NC)

I just got let go from very first ever otr driving job after 3 months with a company that turn out to be the worst company ever and should have listened to all the warning signs.

All 4 incidents were of not my fought they happened. I have no points or anything against me on my driving record from them.

1st incident was i was setting up for backup to a dock and a city trash truck came speeding up from behind me and caused me to hit a parked non—used old trash truck with side of trailer only did damage grill and headlight to it.

2nd was of gate opening at a shipper hit it with passenger side of trailer tail end from was not much room to turn out ont the street to go to the lot beside them where get loaded up at.

Now on july 29 2014, i had two incidents one day...fist one of a small town round about..when went around it seeeing things were ok on drivers side but cars on passenger side, while tryin keep eye out, the trailer went up on the curb of the round about and knocked down street sign and i didnt know it and the 2nd incident of that day was when i was at a service plaza in state of Massattues and needed back up some so another driver could get out, as i was backing up with my hazard lights on, out of no where a truck driver pulls up and parks behind me and time saw him in my mirrors and stopped hard, just did bump into him and only damage was broke out lens of the passenger headlight on the truck.

Shame i get let go while they keep they really bad drivers who get speeding tickets, dot violation tickets, roll overs, side swipe vehicles, rearend crashes, etc.

I'm ashame to say i drove for Western Express Inc. Any company willing to work with me? I can be reached at

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Feb 02, 2015
a update on me with things NEW
by: Larry

I am still in search. Every place I call, I must do one year accident/incident free before take me own. Anyone know any trucking company willing to look past this that will work with me?

Nov 21, 2014
still lookin NEW
by: Larry

I am still of looking for a chance from of turn downs. Still gettin told of need to do to 1 year incident/accident free bfore will hire. Any help or suggestions? Even of any O/O or small mom n pop outfit around thst willng to work with me?

Aug 12, 2014
thanks NEW
by: Larry

Thanks. Been looking hard. So far nothing because of my incidents every company i have called and asked, im required to get in a one year incident/accident free driving before anyone of the ones i liked to go drive for while talk to me. How can anyone accomplish this when no one wont hire me for a chance?

Aug 06, 2014
Sorry to hear about your mishap NEW
by: Anonymous

Call around to truck driving schools & they should have a list of all trucking companies & submit resumes to them & hopefully one of them will hire you! Good luck!

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