Stay at Home Dad returns to work

by Craig
(Suffolk County, NY)

I announced to my wife that I wanted to be an OTR trucker in January 2016. I'm currently a Stay at Home Dad. I've been retired from My job for 5 years looking after our 6 year old triplets. My wife will be retiring from her job at the end JUNE.

At first she was helpful. Or so I thought. She has a co worker whose father is a trucker. She asked questions, collected and relayed info on the industry to me. She suggested that maybe. I take a local job. "The kids are gonna miss you." She's been working overtime at her job several times per week. I never complain.

I don't complain about dealing with things at home because what good would it do? I feel like she's laying a guilt trip on me even before I get out the door to CDL school!

I chose to make the sacrifice to stay at home to raise our kids. The plan was always for me to return to work when she retires... I even considered to stop talking about Trucking around her. I tried to talk to her about it.

She says that not true.

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Apr 17, 2016
Stay at home dad NEW
by: Anonymous

Ok I'm going to give you the advice that my ex wife's
Cousin gave me. When I announced I wanted to
Start a trucking co. Don't do it unless your looking to loose
Your marriage this life style is not conducive for marriage
Now after twenty years and 2.7 million miles in lots of ups
And downs I wished I'd listened after five years running down the road my wife had enough and left Now rember this
I owned my truck I had my own authority. I was my own boss
Being home when I wanted yes I had pmts to make
But I had a contracts that had to be met to
What I'm saying is don't you'll miss out on what's really important in life friends kids birthdays holidays
If you work for a co and you will most of them
Really don't care. If you home they don't make any money with the truck in your drive way while you home for a birthday
And in some cases they will make sure your not.

Apr 03, 2016
Do you care about the relationship
by: Hervy

I think if you do care that you agree on things.

Her being at work for extended hours is a lot different than you being gone for days or weeks at a time.

If you go over the road and she doesn't want you to you are headed for some serious resentment and it will likely change the dynamics of the relationship.

I advice you to read some of the posts by women here on the site. YOu will see what bothers them and how they feel about the driver on the road.

If you love her and want the relationship to remain strong, I think it is something you think seriously about.

The lifestyle is not for every couple to deal with. Both parties have to be on board and of a certain personality.

Also good at communicating with each other.

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