staying awake

by wayne
(marion in)

can i get away with taking stacker 2 or caffeine pills to help stay awake a few more hours and still pass dot drug screens?


these are not illegal and not tested for. Here are other pages that might also help you out.

Driver Rest

What drugs are tested for at trucking companies

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Mar 07, 2009
Staying awake on the big road
by: Hervy

Oh Wayne,

If your talking about something like that, then yeah by all means, it will definitely perk you up for a few hours but it will take a while to start working. Maybe an hour.

If you know you have a good drive to go and you are already tired and it is getting to be your worst time for being awake (middle of the night) I would take it then try to take a 30min sleep and get up and ride.

(You should be good and alert after that, it not you'll just have to get some real sleep buddy)

Like I said, this should not be a common way of running. And you don't want to just take them as a boost when you don't need them because they are habit forming and is not good for the body as a daily supplement.

Feb 25, 2009
by: Anonymous

its not somthing that happens alot but i wanted to know if there was somthing i could do to help when it does

Feb 23, 2009
Wayne's sleepy.
by: Jimmy

When I saw your question, I winced a little. That's because I am a safety conscious type person and you needing to "stay awake" a little longer is a problem. I won't lecture you, but don't be one of these drivers that thinks he can keep trucking and ends up in the ditch because he fell asleep.

If you're fighting to stay awake, you are not managing your time. I know, there can be situations beyond your control, but it sounds like this might be something that happens to you on a regular basis.

To answer your question, no, it will not show up on a random. Just be safe, pardner, and know your limits. Jimmy

Feb 23, 2009
Taking Stacker 2 or caffeine to stay awake
by: Anonymous


You won't have a problem with the drug test taking those.

You don't want to take those regularly though because they are habit forming. Your body will start relying on them whether you are sleepy or not and those energy drinks can become an expensive habit.

Try to do some push ups or sit ups to wake up too.

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