Staying healthy on the road? working out and getting exercise otr

by Craig
(Corunna MI)

Im thinking about driving over the road and was wondering,I enjoy lifting weights and running!My question,im sure its hard 2 come accross gyms on the road but if i do is it ok 2 leave your truck to walk a short distance to a gym,or go on a short half hour run?Any advice would be appreciated.Thanks

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May 04, 2011
Staying Healthy
by: Jeffrey

It does not matter where you leave the truck. There is always at least a minimal risk involved when leaving a truck unattended. Some places are safer than others.

There are some workouts you can do in and or around the truck. Some types of sit-ups or push-ups. A drop cloth is good to have; you can put it under you outside the truck and do various different routines.

You can also run or walk laps around the truck stop; weather permitting, or if it is a reasonably safe area, you can walk, jog or run the roads around the truck stop.

Just a few ideas for you, and remember, Jesus loves you.

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