Stevens Transports Dallas Texas is this a good Company to work for???

I would like to ask any truck driver if they know Stevens Transports, Can anyone tell me if they are a really good company to work for???

I am asking this because im planning to go there in January and start my new career as a driver with them.

Thanks to any driver for answering my question and please be safe out there.


Comments for Stevens Transports Dallas Texas is this a good Company to work for???

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Sep 20, 2011
Thanks for the advice
by: Anonymous

thanks guys for all your comments. I guess i have to do what Jeff says. ( i have to go and see it myself) But i got to wait until January to go because me wife is expecting our second child.

She is a wonderful woman and she is giving all the support that i need to go and pursue dreams(Driving trucks for a living)

I know it's good money and i know for sure i can provide a better future for my family. Thanks again guys for all your help and i hope one day in our path we can meet each other on the road, Please take this as a friend

" Be safe out There and God bless you"


Sep 20, 2011
by: Jeff

Go to a website called The Ripoff Report, Then type in Stevens Transport. For that matter, type in almost any major company.

Keep in mind that what you read in the Ripoff Report is only the down side. There is only one way to know about any company, and that is to hire on and see for yourself.

Remember; Jesus died for you.

Sep 20, 2011
it's all the same, only the names have changed
by: timetraveler

well green pea , all co's are the same or almost all.. the co tells you to drive safe and the Dispatcher tells you are you there yet. so there all the same. bottom line no miles no money..but some companys are better than others .. example if you drove for prime you would never see your house..

now a company that does not want to call attention to them selfs are companys that have pree pass, rider program , qual-com, good health ins, lumper service only if you did not want to lump it your self ..

i used to have my work check deposited and i live and saved lumper money and lumped it my self . it does not always work out .. but one or two loads a week and your set for spending or saving more money . when u lump your own loads and the heavy guys out there will pay you to unload their truck... while you are waiting to get in the dock... a couple of hours and you made an extra 150. or so give or take .. and make a receipt out to pedro sanchez with a social # and a signature and there you all legal a right off... ok you got the gist.. no matter what truck you are in 65 miles an hour or a 100 miles an hour truck it does not matter... it's all in how you drive and do business... good luck.. stay between the ditches god bless

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