Still Getting Denied CDL Training, Now With A New Idea

by Rusty Martin Jr
(Sugar Grove, Pa)

Once again, I've been denied for CDL training this time through CR England. I don't understand what is going on. As a first timer trying to get training I am already beginning to believe that none of the CDL training companies really help anyone.

But on a second notion, I have come up with another idea that I could use some input on. I was thinking about just applying for a government grant or something, so that when I apply to another company, I can say I want to pay for it upfront instead of them paying it, maybe this is the only way someone will accept me. Does anyone have any inputs on the realization of getting a government grant?

I'm not sure how hard it may be to get one if it is even possible. They say that the government will give you a grant for just about anything, even just some extra spending money, but with the world the way it is now, who knows how much of it is true.

Any input on this idea would also be very helpful as I am about at my wits end with the trucking industry already cause none is willing to help me become what I want to be. Thanks again for the input.

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Jun 25, 2014
feloney NEW
by: Anonymous

can I get a cdl and drive for a company with a feloney.2008 for burglary class b felony if so who hires

Jun 25, 2014
feloney NEW
by: Anonymous

can I get a cdl and drive for a company with a feloney.2008 for burglary class b felony if so who hires

Feb 01, 2010
by: Anonymous

This place helped me get into a company sponsered school

Oct 27, 2009
Department of Labor
by: Hervy

Check out the site for the department of labor. They may have information about getting your training paid for.

I think something was passed with the reinvestment act.

Off to see where my load is going,

Oct 27, 2009
He needs grant money.
by: Jimmy

Check with your state re: grant money for a community college course. (trucking). I have personal knowledge that it does work, not sure what is needed to qualify. This is state, not federal. Jimmy

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