still trying to do something positive

by allen

if u have 2 obtain sr22 insurance will any trucking company still hire u if so please email me at

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Feb 13, 2014
im on sr22 NEW
by: anth

im on sr22 now and got my cdl. my sr22 was because I.had no insurance when I was pulled over. do you think I.can still get a job while on sr22 .

Feb 13, 2014
im on sr22 NEW
by: anth

im on sr22 now and got my cdl. my sr22 was because I.had no insurance when I was pulled over. do you think I.can still get a job while on sr22 .

Aug 22, 2013
yes they will hire NEW
by: Anonymous

My father works as water hauler and he said they were so desperate they had people without CDL. He said one guy had a wreck and took jaws of life to get him out. The next week he was back to work. They wanted me to go work before I got my CDL but my dad said it's not happening.

Aug 22, 2013
yes they will hire NEW
by: Anonymous

My father works as water hauler and he said they were so desperate they had people without CDL. He said one guy had a wreck and took jaws of life to get him out. The next week he was back to work. They wanted me to go work before I got my CDL but my dad said it's not happening.

Jul 13, 2013
keep positive NEW
by: Anonymous

Now that the economy is getting better some of these trucking companies will start to bend there rules a little. Because of the unemployment rate for the past few years in this country the trucking companies have took advantage of it and drivers. Believe it or not there is still a shortage of truck drivers in this country and a big turn over rate for most companies. So just stay positive keep trying as these companies start to need drivers more and more you will get a company that will take a chance on you. I think drivers need to realize that trucking company are a dime a dozen not drivers.

Jul 11, 2013
Stay on track NEW
by: Hervy

Allen, you will likely not find a trucking company that will hire you just to keep it real with you.

However, there is still plenty to do positive. So keep your head up and and knocking on doors.

Stay strong Allen.


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