Stuck at home...

by Kim

Life as a truckers wife...gee where should I start?? My husband has been driving a truck for 6 years now. We've been married for 15 years.

He came home one day and said he was going to quit his job and go to school to learn to drive a truck. To say I was shocked is an understatment!!!

We have 4 kids and two of them were still at home. We now have only one at home and its our only boy. He is now fourteen and misses his dad a lot.

Ok, what's it like?? It SUCKS!! I hate the fact that my husband is only home 4-5 days a month. I hate the fact that I am a single parent to teenage boy who needs a dad, I hate the fact that I have to handle everything at home by myself.

I hate the fact that when I need help with something I have to ask someone else instead of my husband. I have bought a vehicle, gone to the hospital twice, had my son go by ambulance to the hospital, dealt with numerous home repairs, had our home broken into these distractions are only a fraction of the things I have dealt with alone in the last 6 years.

But the worst part is the loneliness and betrayal I feel everyday. I miss my husband, I miss the relationship we had before he changed jobs. We were so much closer before the truck became his mistress.

We can NEVER, EVER make plans for anything because we are never sure when he will be home or for how long. When he is home it always feels like a race to get everything in, family time, our time, home repairs, car repairs, his laundry, his supplies bought and downtime for him. We also don't have many friends.

I did not sign up to be a single parent and to spend so much time alone fending for myself.

I know this sounds like a rant and I'm sorry, but I needed to get this out. Thanks so much for the opportunity!!

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Feb 10, 2013
Rewarding NEW
by: Anonymous

Oh God Bless your heart...helping others is a good use of your time and rewarding...funny I am taking a class this summer...the exceptional child. :)

Keep your head to the sky!

Feb 10, 2013
Stuck at home... NEW
by: Kim

Thanks for the comments, I just wanted to add that we're not opening a business. I work full time at the local high school as a Paraprofessional. I work with kids with disabilities. Our son also has autism so your right I do have my hands full. I also have 3 grown children and 2 grandchildren.

I give my all to everyone I come in contact with. So I do miss my husband being here to give me some TLC. I love my husband very much, I just wish he had chosen a profession that was better suited for our family.

Feb 10, 2013
sorry NEW
by: Anonymous

I think you are very busy, and I do not think you need anything else on your plate for now. Opening a business takes ALL your time!! I hope you find a quiet spot in your life instead of having to be upset.

I have been with my trucker 25 and that's how long he has been driving. We are older and I guess I just see it as another job. For me well I am a funny female....I like fixing things even cars..I love keeping the books for him and doing the kids around so I like to visit grand kids a lot, and I keep busy helping others who are unable to help themselves. I work 3 part time jobs. One is only 2 hours a week. One is 15 hours a week. The other is 10 hours a week. This way I am never at a hum drum job, and I have lots of friends at the jobs.

Well I hope you can draw out a little from what I have said and just try and make the best of what ya got...good luck.

Feb 10, 2013
Jobs NEW

Mabey he should open up a bussness to keep you busy or open up a body shop wrecker service for himself i could drive for him if he wants some time off ill work cheap ..

Feb 10, 2013
Wished??? NEW
by: Anonymous

If you were here near me in Tennessee, I would have a good long talk with you lady...

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