student cdl class A LEARNERS PERMIT

by Terri
(Harrisburg pa)

I'm a female living in Harrisburg pa. I have ,2 felony convictions . I took,a plea for assault 2-nd degree and receive and buying stolen goods in ,2010 I took the plea because I didn't want go through a trial.

I really need help right now, I have not driven a truck since I finished school in July. I passed my skills test but failed my road test results permit that runs out in July please any suggestions

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Apr 25, 2015
Drive for a owner operator to get license
by: TruckerYitz

Would you go to ny or to nj and drive with the permit and get the experience to drive for the road test and then continue for 6 months to get paid driving experience

My number is 337 9489411.

Jan 28, 2015
Getting hired with felony as a trucker
by: Hervy

Terri, honestly, you will likely not find a trucking company that will hire you with those charges that recent.

Hate to deliver that kind of info but better you heard the truth than sold a dream.

That being said, I would look into being a driver helper for a moving company. Also, I would really talk to all my contacts if I were you to see if someone in my circle had a connection to a trucking company or other company that could use a driver.

Also, if there is a small but growing company in your area that ships products, I would try to get a job there for a chance to prove yourself as a person different than your record suggests by the time a driver is needed.

Basically, you are going to have to be creative in finding or creating an opportunity for yourself.

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