Student Graduate with felonies


Hi my name is Corey Charles and i am a recent student graduate for coastal truck driving school in Hammond ,la. i went about this training after i return from being incarcerated trying to do something positive for myself and most of all for my family.

I have a newborn baby girl and i have no way to provide for her because of my background. i made mistakes hanging with the wrong crowd and i made bad choices only in trying to survive with what i was left with after my mom and dad left me.

I have a possession of cocaine and a concealed weapon and also a distribution of controlled substance .

I payed my dues, it is now 6 years old and its the only thing holding me up from providing for my family. all i need is a second chance i never was a bad person. i just made some wrong choices and i have learned that is not the way to go and i really need a 2nd chance desperately.

Could someone please please please help me! because i am on the verge of giving up due to trying employment with over 100 companies in a 2 month period! and no one, i mean no one wants to give me a chance.

I have had steady work since me being back in society. i am a very hard,loyal,faithful worker and i am just waiting on someone to give me a chance to be the best i can be! please help me!

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Aug 06, 2012
same movement NEW
by: pete terrell

Im trying to get into a trucking school. if this is how there doing you, I'm in real bad shape then. what school did you attend? a lot of these schools wont even except me in. my charge is from 2003(marijuana). i hope you the best of luck homie. if you can let me know of the school.

Jul 04, 2012
Felonies NEW
by: Theo

Don't give up my Brother, I got the same charges and feel the same way, but try Carolina Cargo in South Carolina, my intructor told me they hire felons.Plus look locally but very small company are short on benefits, though. I just trying to help you, some if it helps.

Jul 04, 2012
Felonies NEW
by: Theo

Don't give up my Brother, I got the same charges and feel the same way, but try Carolina Cargo in South Carolina, my intructor told me they hire felons.Plus look locally but very small company are short on benefits, though. I just trying to help you, some if it helps.

Jun 30, 2012
I feel your pain NEW
by: Chris Braswell

Hey Bro, I feel ya.I'm in the same boat.I just recently graduated from truck driving school.I to have drug felonies among other things.I knew going into the program that it would be hard to obtain a job,but don't give up homie.Keep your head high and don't do anything that going to jepordize you being there for your family.Good Luck.

Jun 29, 2012
Hang in there NEW
by: Anonymous

Have you tried telling Maverick trucking your story? THey may consider you.

Jun 28, 2012
Driver NEW
by: Anonymous

Look up~ Spee Dee Delivery Service Inc.~ on the net. Maybe they can help with your situation. 320 251 6697

Jun 28, 2012
Felonies NEW
by: Eugene

I had a major felony conviction in 1988. Since then I have been hired by mega companies, mid-sized companies and small mom and pop outfits. In today’s trucking industry with a felony that is less than seven or even ten years old, I would suggest you look into the smaller outfits. Companies that will overlook a felony conviction(s). Also look for companies that don’t use C.S.A. scores or P.S.P. reports. However; in your case, with little or no experience, you should look into dirt hauling and or excavation companies You can also look for owner ops that are will to take you on and train you, they are out there and they are looking for drivers, even if they need to train you, as long as they can keep that truck rolling day and night.
All the best to you and yours, and remember; Jesus died for you, because Jesus loves you.

Jun 28, 2012
Felonies NEW
by: Eugene

I had a major felony conviction in 1988. Since then I have been hired by mega companies, mid-sized companies and small mom and pop outfits. In today’s trucking industry with a felony that is less than seven or even ten years old, I would suggest you look into the smaller outfits. Companies that will overlook a felony conviction(s). Also look for companies that don’t use C.S.A. scores or P.S.P. reports. However; in your case, with little or no experience, you should look into dirt hauling and or excavation companies You can also look for owner ops that are will to take you on and train you, they are out there and they are looking for drivers, even if they need to train you, as long as they can keep that truck rolling day and night.
All the best to you and yours, and remember; Jesus died for you, because Jesus loves you.

Jun 28, 2012
felonies NEW

well I have tried ever type of company to get a driving job and all is said and done once you let them know you have a felony just for possession no one wants to give you a second chance I have been trying for a tear now to get a driving job dump truck,oil fields etc. and my felony is just a simple possession charge of a control substance so if you hear of anything I would like to know myself for I am ready to sell every thing I own and go live in the mountains and if I don't make it through the winter and freeze to death I hope all these company's feel that they are at fault for this happening to me I know I have changed my way of life and drug free for the rest of my life!!!!!

Jun 28, 2012
keep trying but its a tough road NEW
by: Anonymous

try dumptruck driving. my possession with controlled is 21 years old and ive been turned down continually. Do people change yes they do as i did and im sure you have also.

you cant get hazmet or twic until felonies are 7 years old. Most companies state felonies must be at least 7 years old, but as soon as i mention it is a controlled they say cant hire you.

try small companies and or dumptrucks best advice i can give you.

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