
by Sonja Gansmann
(Festus, MO)

My current husband/ best friend and I have been married for 15 years,together 16 years now; when he first told me he told me I tried to ver him away for I remembered my first husband and I on a truck for 6 months. He went ahead saying because the economy he has no choice. He is now just finishing week 3 of training and I'll admit I've really had a hard time adjusting to him being gone.

Tonight he was really disgruntled with the trucking company that had told him when he got hired on he would be home every weekend (I told him only if he gets in writing). We have never been apart more than a week at a time. So I know this is hard on him as well but I didn't think I had it in me anymore to with stand what was given me to handle. But I found myself letting him know I'll be here when he gets done with training and that I'm not going NO WHERE, and that I love him with whole heart and soul. When he drove by home last week he let me know, I met him only to see him a few minutes.

What I didn't tell him yet is I felt the same way as the day we first met. Excited yet nervous and hoping I looked my best for him. The truck wouldn't fire my husband said it sounded like the battery, my father-in-law said to jump start it with the car, I did. Then I took it to Wal-Mart to have them put a battery in.

It snowed I made my 14 year old help me shovel out both vehicles. My son and I got sick with a viral, I took him to the doctor and we both ate chicken noodle soup and stayed home from school. I set it up the main checking account he has access to to get money when he needs it with a budget and told if needs more to let me know and I'll make sure he gets it.

I'm paying bills out with money orders at this time. I had a bad episode with my blood sugar level dropping at school my classmates and instructor helped me. It has since been bouncing from low to normal and I prepared my house with a way to bring it back to normal again.

My son got into a little trouble at school, we solved the problem on our own. I've still been telling him what all has been going on but at the same time not asking him to fix it just to talk to him as a friend still.

I was really feeling I was not going to make it through this so I started looking for support but after reading Eric's Wife's Story and when I started writing I was feeling I wasn't going to make it through, but I just realized All Of Us Will(MY Better Half, Our Kid and I) actually will survive this.

Thanks Eric's Wife!!!

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Feb 01, 2010
by: Jennifer S


Welcome to LAAT (Lifeasatrucker), We all know how very hard it is to be a drivers wife.

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