Surviving the rough roads

by Kathy
(Gridley Illinois)

I have been a truck driver for 31 years. Have been married twice.

My first marriage didn't last but about 6 years. No children with him. He was a very possessive person and wouldn't even let me be alone.

This made me feel weak and insecure so we ended the Marriage.

My 2nd marriage is to a wonderful man I met on the road. We've been together for 22 years and we have 2 children who know a lot about trucking. .

Our youngest goes with me in the truck for a week at a time and enjoys it. I pull a flatbed. For a 9 year old he is very hard working.

Last summer our A/C broke down in the truck but still in 100 degree temps he insisted on helping mom with those tarps and chains. Hubby and I try to get our kids involved in what we do for a living.

Being a truck driver is NOT a job. It's a life style.

I will admit, hubby and I have been through some very hard times with our relationship. As a matter of fact we are going through one right now.

Please..... If anyone is thinking about becoming a trucker Remember the life style. It's not for just anyone. It takes a special person to do this and a special family to keep it going.

Good luck to all and be safe out on the road.

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Jun 23, 2011
more to the story
by: TruckerYitz

why would an accident split up a team and marraige? must be more to the story.

Jun 23, 2011
team considering a split
by: rolly polly

I totally agree...
Me & my man have only ran teams for a little less than 2 years & since our accident last month, we're seriously considering calling it quits with our relationship...
I'm open to advice & insight...

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