Swift and thir lack of pay!!!!

This makes the 5th week that they have not ran me enough to even make a paycheck. I have bills to pay back home and I can't even do it. When they do have me running, I only make enough to cover my bills and live on. I can't keep enough to put into savings to even try to help out with the weeks they don't pay me. It's bs.

If I wanted to make no money I could sit at home in my recliner and be happy. Mainly because I can always make enough money at home but I guess I should have expected this to happen when most of the company only looks as you as a number.

I think that is enough for today. Ya'll have a great day and be safe out there.

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Apr 10, 2016
How much exactly
by: Anonymous

How much per week with deductions

Apr 10, 2016
How much exactly
by: Anonymous

Can you please provide some accurate info about the earnings made so we new rookies know what to expect, and the earnings per week with the taxes etc taken off already , thanks in advance

Apr 10, 2016
by: Anonymous

National best learning company period.

Hands down

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