Swift ,Crst , Pam , PTI , Arnold , Conway , Werner , Hunt , Covenant , Us Express, Knights,heartland Express, Ctl,Jb Hunter,Celadon,Prime,

by Thomas Kelley
(Jacksonville , Florida , Duval )

I was upset when I was turn down because of 14 yrs ago old Felony that I had but I learned my mistake's that I did not know the law change when it was Oct 1 , 1999 that saying no longer consent but that when happened on July 2000 when I got arrested that the victim that I thought she was 21 yrs old turn out 17 yrs old only two months away to turn 18 ... She has cause my life a miserable way that I didn't know her false age and I wish I knew the law that I didn't access hear no information about law change it that I was being late when that happened but I didn't mean to do that I'm not that kind of man who going around young people that is not me all because she like me and wanna to be with me when I was 29 yrs old and which I thought she was 21 but turn out lied age but Today I learned a'lot of my responsibility and avoid the trouble maker and help people to understand the law what said I know can help truck driver from my experience what story I been there . But not deep how it happened but but warn them not to believe young any female can trap your life just one mistakes can hurt your life even if u didn't know the law but it can happened just like not expected to seem her age acting like grown looking female don't mean she grown but it's a trap the way looking alike adult but must be responsible to ask I.D. or report to police if she is adult instead of minor that what I would do today that I won't take any chance without questions to be sure that person is grown age as adult and must with I.d That how I did two times when someone came to me and ask me because I'm have cute eyes and the way I dress like clean clothes so I ask them I.d. to be sure and found out she was 19 years old and I told that person No thanks I have a family's to worried and my life and another weeks later so there was a redneck guys ask me to buy cigarettes and beer so I ask him why ? and he said he left I.d. at home and I ask how old are you and he said I'm 21 and I said to him , Man ... Go home and get it and he said he can't lost I.d then I ask him u need to stop playing with me so how are you again so he said I'm 20 yrs old and I told him No thanks I'm not do it for you because You are still under 21 years old that a law ... Period !!! So then he left and it make me feel good , proud , and protect my life is what I do responsible the way it should be ...This is how I live for 14 years with no trouble minor because I learned my experience for my mistakes what I've learned and I have a son 2 yrs old and I have a baby on the way on Feb 6th , 2012 I have a daughter ... Wow ... I have change my life for so many year 14 yrs that I gave up all my friends who didn't care enough about my life so I gave up that they are not worth as friends but I have a life and I change alot because what I been through hell of mess who I been with wrong people I have bad rap sheet that who kind of people was not my type but I put myself wrong position and I was hanged around was one of the things street is all about trouble that why I learned my experience and lecture to people who to know what life is about and gave them a big chance to live right and good life ... because I believe in God has many chance for my life that I got a family's to raise and I work my butt of to finished my Truck driver program and all the years I work hard to stay in good life that got me good attention is how I live right and what right the way to live and leave the bad street and wrong crowd people can harm your life even if one mistakes or wrong time and wrong crowd can be lead u trouble so this is what happened so ( Please !!!!!! give me a second chance
) that I can proof to company that I'm hard work and best driver you will ever had ... I'm not a bad person I made mistake of my life what kind of person hang around was a bad decision that my parents try to tell me not to get in trouble because getting a bad record can get no good jobs and they was right about that and I learned my mistake and forgave my life But I have a good life since I got family's and I want to have good jobs to work your best employee you will reward me that I want to make a better life for my family's is what so important to me that I can proof it and I have a private attorney will remove my name that take's time so Please contact me 904-245-1124 my name is Thomas Kelley I would love to meet in person to show you what real person I am .... Give me a second chance !!! Thank You !!!

Comments for Swift ,Crst , Pam , PTI , Arnold , Conway , Werner , Hunt , Covenant , Us Express, Knights,heartland Express, Ctl,Jb Hunter,Celadon,Prime,

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Jun 15, 2015
The people who get blackballed
by: Wow!

Some people don't get it. I think that the ignorant person who posted the last comment doesn't know anything about laws.

I made the same mistake but I blame myself because I shouldn't have been so trusting of how conniving women can be. I was 19 and raised in in state care. She was 14 and got around. I was prosecuted by the same county that approved of her having a 26 yr old boyfriend with parents consent.

McDonald's doesn't hire sex offenders so you know. Most people don't hire sex offenders unfortunately. It's a mans world and women are all about empowering themselves by lies and manipulating men's opportunity when it boils down to their own safety.

Some people just believe that women actually love them and just Persue the opportunity of actually being wanted by someone after being raised in a childhood of abuse and neglect but that's just speaking on my behalf. Many times the same guys who have written you poems when you were young and ignored them become so starved for affection they throw caution to the wind just wanting to be loved.

Stop judging the people you know nothing about because we were the guys you passed off for abusive boyfriends you now have to live with because you have a kid and hate your life but lack any integrity of who you are and the strength of living through it.

Apr 26, 2014
I feel you
by: Anonymous

I think that you as a person have your opinion of what is not right and what is wrong.... But if you are caught up in this game the some women or shall I say young girls play with men lives.

It is not what I would say as being right. They get these men caught up in this tangle web, that they lie about their age looking older than they really are. Don't get me wrong about this we as men should be even more aware of this.

Then you find out just old they really are and you distance yourself from them. Then they don't want to let go they start to threaten you saying no they won't, And if you don't do what they want you to do, then they want to say that I will get you in trouble. And you just stop talking to them and seeing them then the next thing you know you are don't in for the rest of your life by you having to register for the rest of your life,, this is just my opinion to you.

( IT JUST AIN'T RIGHT FOR THIS TO HAPPEN TO SOMEONE THAT DON'T DESERVE IT ) Because a young girl wants to get even with you because you found here out.... I Feel You

Nov 10, 2012
by: Anonymous

Your post is full of excuses! That's why it is so long and drawn out. if you didn't do it, quit trying to justify it by saying its all the girls fault because SHE didn't tell You the truth. That makes you sound like your guilty.

In THIS country we have a rule, and that rule is you can not claim IGNORANCE OF THE LAW!!! In other words you can not claim you are not guilty because you didn't know it was against the law, or that someone lied to you, so that is why you committed the crime.

It sounds kinda lame to think that someone could get away with something because someone else lied to them? Can you even understand that? Everyone would be able to use that as a defense, and this country would be in chaos, and we wouldn't have prisons!!

With that said, maybe you should turn it around, and quit looking for jobs that check your background? This sounds more reasonable, don't you think? McDonald's hires felons, many places do. They have felon funds in some states, and programs. Go to school, learn a different trade, and stop whining about a problem that obviously will never go away.

Sex offenders, a charge that will not go away, it is a lifetime charge, just like when the perpetrator took the life away from the innocent person that they committed the sex crime against. They must pay for life and so should the perp!!!

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