Swift Transportation is it a good trucking company to work for

This is a question that Chris had asked, he want's to know what your experience has been with Swift Transportation.

Any information would be greatly appreciated, and this is an inquiry for intelligent fair feedback not for you to rant because things didn't go your way everyday. You won't find that at any company.

Thanks in advance for you input!

Chris, me personally, I think it is. I worked there for 2years (i must say, i was owner op though) I was out of the Eden terminal.

I Stayed moving and my driver manager was great.

Last I heard he became terminal manager, Garnet Powell, if he still is the terminal manager, I would think that the terminal there is deserving of good drivers because there would be a good person in charge.


Comments for Swift Transportation is it a good trucking company to work for

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Jul 07, 2016
Liars NEW
by: Anonymous

R u kidding me,,,great place to work,,,yeah,,,come on and get a job here,,,you'll wish you had never heard of this company,,,sucks

Mar 21, 2016
ok starter company NEW
by: Anonymous

I worked for swift for 2 years. You are just a number. The money was ok. Dispatch sucked. Way o much things to get wrote up for. Sometimes i was nit sure if i was a driver or a student. Trucks very slow 62mph

Oct 04, 2013
It can't be any worse than WALMART NEW
by: Not A Truck Driver Yet!

Their are always bad seeds in the world and they need to take a good look in the mirror, and get a real life, quit complaining and get on with life, I was in Retail for over 25+years and they do the same thing, I say keep your nose to your own business, and take a good look in the mirror, When you have straightened out your life then maybe We might hear you.
With the economy the way it is you expect people
to just go out their and find work, not happening, I have been looking for over 4 years.
and I am ready to do truck driving school and hopefully get paid while doing it.

Mar 05, 2013
joke NEW
by: Anonymous

swift will lie to you. dont play there games.one of the lowest pay companies out there.

Oct 12, 2012
criminal element NEW
by: Anonymous

after i quit working for swiftty my cdl was revoked by tdot for improper or false testing by swift employees. i joined a class action against swift and now 5 years later there is a false dac report against me by swifty! they are a criminal element in our society and more than likley then not is associated with the anti-christ religion of the mormons (or more money for me and not you) religion. GOD DAMN SWIFT!!!!!!

Jul 22, 2012
Proud wife of a trucker NEW
by: Mary

Swift gave my husband a chance when no one else would, if it weren't for them we would never have met!

Dec 07, 2009
I have heard many drivers talk about swift
by: Anonymous

Most Swift drivers like their job there. Most people that talk about Swift of course are not
Swift drivers and they assume that Swift is the worst place to be working.

The mere size of the company is a guarantee that you will hear all kinds of feedback both good and bad.

Take it with a grain of salt unless you keep hearing the same specific complaint repeated. Then of course it can indicate a problem area.

specific complaint no general complaint.

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