Taking a large dog on the road with you - how do you get it out of the truck?

by Elizabeth
(Ontario, canada)

Hi I have about 10 years trucking or more. But I have been off the road for 3 years and a year ago got a Labrador retriever. His name is Rover.

I want to take him on the road with me, and I don't want advice about not doing this! But I can't figure out how he is going to get in and out of the truck. He weighs about 70 lb. - more than half my weight.

I tried lifting him today and there's no way.
Anybody else out there who takes a large dog with them. How is it going?

Or anybody has witnessed getting a large dog in or out of a truck - how'd it go?

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Jan 30, 2018
Ramps NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm encountering that problem too,yet I get growled at by mine when it comes to getting out off the truck. I tried bribes with treats since she loves treats and it's a no go. Where do I get a ramp to see it that helps?

Nov 04, 2017
Ramps NEW
by: Anonymous

They sell ramps you can buy for the dog to simply walk up to get into the truck. Reasonably priced, put on your cat walk when not in use.

Apr 16, 2016
Pup ramp NEW
by: Anonymous

How about getting a sheet of wood obviously strong enough to hold the dog's weight and hold it there for Rover to walk up the wood like a ramp.

Feb 03, 2015
Get dog in and out of rig NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband and I took our dog in the truck... I put a small throw rug on each step so she wouldn't hurt her paws.
I kept the rugs on the passenger side floor... I would get out. Put rugs on the steps. Then let her out. Same way for her to get in. Worked great.

Feb 03, 2015
Get dog in and out of rig NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband and I took our dog in the truck... I put a small throw rug on each step so she wouldn't hurt her paws.
I kept the rugs on the passenger side floor... I would get out. Put rugs on the steps. Then let her out. Same way for her to get in. Worked great.

Sep 25, 2011
Will know soon enough!
by: Elizabeth

Dear Anonymous:
Thank you for your comments, they are very encouraging. Lifting a 105 lb. dog sounds pretty impressive! However it is encouraging to hear that you can get him in the truck w/o too much problem.

And I appreciate the tip about keeping the nails clipped. We were thinking of using a board that hooks into the step to get him up part way. The bottom step is indented rather than sticking out. But if he can figure it out himself (for food), all the better.

Well this Friday is the day, so we will see how it goes! Now can anyone remind me how to drive a 13 speed?? (Just joking, it will be a little rough at first (out of practice), but it's bound to get better) - Eliz

Sep 25, 2011
Big Dogs can do it too
by: Anonymous

My husband brings his road dog Jazz he is a dashaund. However we do own a bulldog Kaos, he is larger than Rover he is a whooping 105 pounds. He has been in the truck at first my husband just carried him in and out but for some reason he got down the truck himself no problem didn't do anything he just got off down like we did.

Getting him in the truck well I would assume the same way I guess if I waved food in front of him he would do it no problem. I would if I were you train him like you did when he was a puppy up and down the stairs with treats.

Please do clip their claws on daily basis, as they can get caught with the little holes.

My husband now rather prefers to bring Jazz with him instead, as he is smaller all of maybe 17 pounds and does not snore like my bulldog to keep my husband awake LOL.

Sep 14, 2011
by: Elizabeth

Thanks Hervy:
We had been thinking maybe a ramp. But you don't want it to end up being a complicated or time consuming procedure. So will definitely try just walking him up the steps.

He'll do most things for food. Bet he'd figure it out pretty fast himself if he spotted his food dish inside the door of the truck!

This has been very helpful. I'm surprised there aren't more truckers using this site - seems like a good idea to me.

Will try to submit something original soon.

Thanks again, Elizabeth

Sep 13, 2011
Seen it all before, just don't know how they did it
by: Hervy

Hello Elizabeth and Rover,

So you are going to team up against these highways, huh?

Well, I have seen it done. Don't know how the driver taught them, but I've seen full size Labs, Collies, Pits, simply jump in and out of the truck using the steps just like the driver.

Maybe talk to a local trainer and see the process they would suggest to get it done.

By the way when you find out how it's done, it sure would be interesting to hear about it.

Let us know how you make out,

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