Taking family on the road with him

by Heather
(north carolina)

My husband is a truck driver..I miss him very much when he's gone..he asked me the other day if I would be interested in going on the road with him...it all sounds good but we also have 2 little girls that will be going with us.

It will be a big adjustment for us all...I'm not sure how it will effect them..are there any families that travel together in a truck?

If so do you have any advice on how it effects the kids.

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Jun 23, 2014
Going with hubby NEW
by: Anonymous

Heather is your husband an o/o meaning owner operator? Because my husband is not one, I mentioned to him about me & our daughter riding with him & he told me company policy says only 1 passenger & I know that really sucks but also there may be times when you may not be getting a daily shower, baby wipes might be your shower for the time being, ewwww well good luck!

Jun 23, 2014
Going with hubby NEW
by: Anonymous

Heather is your husband an o/o meaning owner operator? Because my husband is not one, I mentioned to him about me & our daughter riding with him & he told me company policy says only 1 passenger & I know that really sucks but also there may be times when you may not be getting a daily shower, baby wipes might be your shower for the time being, ewwww well good luck!

Jun 16, 2014
good luck NEW
by: Anonymous

the best suggestions come from your own experiance. After your first trip out you will figure it out. good luk nd try to have fun.

Jun 16, 2014
too many rest break / bathroom stops... NEW
by: Anonymous

He will run into scheduking problems stopping tp feed, break, and letting them rest properly without truck movement. not good for kids.

Jun 16, 2014
Going on the road and taking the kids NEW
by: Hervy

Heather, while you wait for a person experienced with this chime in I will contribute my 2 cents.

Many truckers have their wife and kids on the truck. Especially in the summer.

First things first, based on what others have posted, make sure he asks the company what the policy is for riders.

If all is a go, in order to get ideas of how to make the kids time on the road a great experience, I would look into information for home schooling.

The reason I am saying this is to get some ideas of how to turn the experience into a learning experience. Unless of course you have your own ideas. That will not only keep them from being bored but make added value out of the trip.

Maybe get a book that has history of the states and as you go through certain town/cities/states etc teach them something, especially something that will be covered in school.

Looking at it on a map will also be cool. If it was me, I would have a large paper map (not your husband map) and let the kids circle the places of interests that you go through.

Of course, there are also things like laptops and games that can help occupy their time.

You asked how does being on the road affect them. I hope that you see from what I have suggested that it really all depends on what you and husband plan for them while on the road.

Let us know how things are going once you get out there!


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