Taking money from my check

Company charging me $250 fee taking it out of my check without my permission because I got a log ticket which I pay

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Aug 24, 2013
oh NEW
by: Anonymous

California is different we are protected.....i cant give advise on how to do something without becoming discharged from your job if you present them with Montana's law about owners responsibility....you can sue in civil court for back pay if they fire you because you advised them about the law and return of the money...... you don't need to hire a lawyer for that..... 5,000 and under in most states you can file yourself...i myself have filed these cases with some ease it is just filling out the forms that can be tedious....and gathering your evidence, preparing the case, showing up to court date, standing in line, and then the wait...it can be one big hassle if you don't have the time..

so you weigh your options and then go with what is beat solution given your situation...sometimes its a catch 22!!!!

sorry for all the blows life hands us!! :(

Aug 24, 2013
paying out of pocket NEW
by: charles

I live in Montana, the labor board says they cannot take money out of your check for tickets, they can take out for cash advances.. the reason they take out of my check is to pay for tickets I incur. exactly for log violations, speeding .. its okay I think but .. as I find out that if they take out for like mechanical tickets that is the companies responsibility not ours.. as company drivers..so I have a case also I had an roll over.. tip over in Canada. good news wont show up on usa dot report but the company can tell new prespective employers about it.. it this correct.. I do have a case cuz no written permission to take out of my check for mechanical failure tickets..even tho I did a pretrip. company said I should have done a better job. if I get fired from this company due to labor board claim. Montana states they cannot protect me from being fired. then I have to get an attorney to fight. and we all know that we need attorneys who can do it probonno.. so my question is how to approach employer and let them know its their responsibility. I can have the tickets reversed and reissued to the company so its outta my name but I have to pay attorney to do it. soo company may file to discharge me.. I don't want to work for this company but since I did the tip over. due to employers lack of manners.. I am stuck with this company till that doesn't matter much. or move on and get out of trucking and start over.. any advice???

Aug 04, 2013
this is wrong NEW
by: Anonymous

go to your boss and get it in writing the reason why they took it or if you have your pay stub it should indicate exactly why the money was garnished from your check....take this to your local labor board and file a compliant and this will also protect you from being fired...for the meantime..they will probably will find an excuse later down the road to let you go....I wouldnt want to work for a company who takes it upon themselves to rip off their employees....

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