Tales of A Trucker's Wife

by Sarah

my husband & I in his truck

my husband & I in his truck

Hi, my name is Sarah and I am a trucker's wife. Have been for over a year now. And I'm telling you it's not as easy as it seemed it would be.

My husband is a cross-country truck driver and he is gone for weeks at a time, sometimes months. The really hard part about his job is he is also a Navy Reservist and the times that he is home, he is also working on base at the reserve center, so I DO NOT get him all to myself when he is home, unfortunately like most trucker's wives do when their husbands are on home time. :(

I am looking for a support group and network. My husband and I have a 6-year-old son and I feel like I am a single mother when my husband is away for weeks and months at a time.

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