Tanker Accident and Supernatural Phenomenal

by Jim Davis
(Tomball, TX. Harris county)

1923 model T open express

1923 model T open express

I not a truck driver. Just a retired cop who witnessed courage and skill on the part of a tank truck driver. who saved many lives one afternoon in rush hour traffic when his brakes failed. and a strange force that surrounded Me as I was trying to help.

Back in the 1980s I was driving home from my 7-3pm shift at the Houston Police Department driving My unmarked police car. I was on old highway 290 as the freeway had not been completed yet. as I approached the intersection of old 290 and 1960 the traffic was stacked up at the traffic light ahead there was a 18 wheeler tanker truck in my right lane as He applied the brakes they made a strange screeching noise the brakes on the truck had failed.

He slowly eased the truck on to the shoulder of the road and then kept going easing His truck into the deep ditch like he was taking a exit ramp on the freeway keeping the truck straight as a arrow as it turned upside down as he was going into the deep ditch.

The truck did not jackknife as it came to a stop upside down in the ditch still straight as a arrow. I parked My unmarked police car on the side of the road and started to go back to the truck and check on the driver.

Light smoke was coming out of the engine compartment as I exited My vehicle and started to go back to the smoking truck. it was like there was a hand or invisible force holding Me back as
I attempted walking to the smoking truck. strangest thing I can ever remember.

So I got back in the car and used the police radio to call in the accident to my Houston dispatcher who relayed it to Jersey village fire department about a mile away who promptly dispatched fire trucks to the scene. I got back out of My car and was going to try again and go back to the accident scene and help the driver but by this time he was climbing out of the truck and by standers were on the scene helping So I left and went home. too many cooks spoil the soup.

Was it the hand of God! Fear! Predestination! I don't know! but in hindsight I feel it was the right thing to do. get emergency fire crews to the scene before the tanker caught fire and blew up. due to the skill of the tank truck driver the tank did not rupture. and with the prompt arrival of the Fire department the truck did not catch fire and no lives were lost.

The truck driver was a unsung hero who probably lost His job for not noticing the brake problem before the accident. But He handled the situation like a Professional with cool bravery avoiding what could have been a disaster with loss of life if the tanker had hit stopped cars ahead with 2000 gallons of flammable liquid.

My hat's off to a Heroic Truck Driver. where ever You are.
I am not a writer but felt this story needed to be told while I am still able to tell it.

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Thank you! NEW
by: SoutheastTexasGal

Thank you for sharing this story which is uplifting in hearing about the incredible skill of the driver. It also could potentially help other drivers in the future should they encounter a similar situation. I also appreciate your service in law enforcement. Thank you for working hard to make your community a safer place. Knowing how people drive in Houston, just dealing with them is a full time job in itself. I deeply appreciate drivers because my dad was one of the best. Thank you again for sharing this story.

Thanks For Sharing This With US
by: Hervy

Cool story. Thanks for sharing with us!

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