Team driving and pets

by Tristin
(Virginia Beach)

Hey this is Tristin again, I asked a question about whether or not its for me.

Right now my partner and I have decided we were both gonna get into trucking and be team drivers.

We know its usually 8 hours off one driving while the other sleeps, so were not to concerned about being in such close relations for so long.

But I have a young German Shepard, and would like to know are there any companys that hire team drivers and allow a pet?

Does a company for that even exist? Also, I know most companies have you apprentice for a year roughly, how do they do this with team driving, or will we not be able to team drive without experience under our belt?

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Jan 27, 2009
Teaming and pooch
by: Jimmy

Hi Tristen, Yes you can bring a pet with almost any company. Most will require a deposit, usually about $200.00. Every company has different rules regarding being a student. You might have to split up to train, and then after training, team up and roll. You would not train together and would not be able to bring the pooch while training.

This info is true about 99% of the time. You might find a company that will do it your way, but you'll have to call around. Jimmy

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