Teams: An Industry Trend?

by Andy
(Jacksonville, FL)

Hi, my name is Andy and I am seriously considering a career in trucking. Doing some research, one of the major companies I am looking at after school informs me that they are only hiring teams out of FL. Is that practice becoming the norm...Thanks!

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Aug 04, 2009
Teams Trucking Jobs
by: Jimmy

Just so you know and understand, trucking companies have to be very flexible and quick to the tides of change. So, if they pick up a new account or a particular account suddenly wants faster service that would require a team, guess what? They're looking for teams.

There's plenty of solo positions available, but there's also a need for teams. It depends entirely on each trucking companies freight lanes and customer needs. Jimmy

Aug 04, 2009
Team truck driving jobs info. Trucking Companies
by: Hervy

Hello Andy. Team driving is cost effective for the company so yes it's practical if they have a lot of long hauls. Down in Florida they are probably going to California with produce as quick as possible. So it makes sense to use teams to keep the truck running as much as possible.

The big question is whether or not a team environment is something that is compatible with YOU. Some people won't find comfort with a co-driver 24hrs a day everyday in the close quarters of a truck.

Remember, in this situation you don't get all the freedom of stopping and going when you want as an individual. You must communicate and agree and make compromises at times when team driving.

BOTH people will have to understand this for it to be a pleasant and profitable arrangement. If you get along well with others and don't mind sharing decisions you will probably make more money driving teams if the company has the freight to keep you moving on long runs.

Best thing is to consider the type of personality you have and think about if that will be suitable for you.

As far as trend in the trucking industry. You can definitely find solo jobs for now. They may someday fade, who knows with all the new regulations coming. I am sure more companies will use teams where they can as part of the common sense assessment of operations and cost cutting that companies are doing.

Hope that helped, Hervy
(Got to go unload)
Good luck

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