Terminated from c.r. England for two incidents while under training less than 6 months experience over two years ago but still have a valid class A how can I get back in the field?

by Terrell
(San Bernardino, Ca USA )

I worked for c.r. England back in 2011 and cannot find any company to hire me. I was only in the training phase the whole time I was employed with them.

I have a valid class A but no experience none of the big company's like swift, etc etc will not touch me because I was wrongfully terminated due to safety issues.

What are my options because I feel like my career is over before it got started.

Any suggestions or should I just relinquish my license?

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Dec 17, 2013
Wrongful termination
by: Hervy

Terrell, how was it wrongful termination? If it was wrongful termination you need to contact the EEOC or a lawyer.

If it was wrongful termination, you might also want to get a copy of your DAC report and see what is on there.

If something is on there that you don't agree with, dispute it.

Without something changing about your background, I think you will continue to find it challenging to get hired.

Best of luck man.

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