Thank you for this site!

by Mary
(Payson, IL)

It is such a comfort to hear from other women dealing with being a truckers wife. I didn't know if I could handle the life but with all the positive stories on here I know I can!

I am fortunate because I was given the chance to ride with my husband and I believe all wives, girlfriends should try this if you are going to be involved with a trucker.

You need to experience his lifestyle on the road. Let me tell you, because of him I have a new found respect after the experience!

I am also fortunate because my husband comes home every weekend so it makes things easier. My husband has been driving for 3 years and now has a dedicated route and we are thankful for this.

I still miss him during the week but his love and devotion has made me stronger and a better person because of it.

He is the only trucker I've ever been with and I thank God everyday he is in my life.

I will no longer feel alone because of this site and I thank you!


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Mar 11, 2012
Visitors, Contributors and People Like You NEW
by: Hervy

Hi Mary,

Thanks so much for that feedback. Glad the site is a good resource for you. It's people like you who comment, share, ask question and share their wisdom who make it all click.

And of course my regular contributors NickV and Jimmy, Trucker Yitz, who keep me from boring you guys to death.

I think you gave some great advice, about the ladies riding. It definitely would provide a lot of insight for them.

Take care,

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