
by Dennis
(New York )

I'm a convicted felon, and am very interested in pursuing a career in truck driving.

I just wish to express my gratitude for all the information you've presented on this site. It's been extremely helpful, and often uplifting.

Your compassion and vast knowledge give me such hope I couldn't help but wish to express my gratitude.

So although I haven't even gotten a permit for a CDL, I feel more hopeful and enthusiastic than when I first became intrigued at the prospect of being a "trucker". Thanks again

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Jan 10, 2017
Trucking jobs for felons/ex-cons. NEW
by: Anonymous

Several companies hire felons/ex-cons even if they're fresh out of prison. The websites may not reflect this, but it's true.
PI&I Motor Express
Carolina Cargo
The even send recruiters to cdl school looking for students with criminal records.

Sep 22, 2013
Feedback appreciated NEW
by: Hervy

Thanks Dennis. We really appreciate your feedback. Best of luck.

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