The Greatest Men on Earth are Faithful Truck Drivers
by Vanessa Mason
(Kalkaska, Michigan)
My name is Vanessa Mason and I can say that the greatest men on earth are the truck drivers, that stay faithful to their wives and families.
We families have struggles everyday both on the road and at home, not to mention the loneliness we struggle with everyday, from being apart...My greatest love on this earth (Phillip), bought me a tee shirt that sums it all up- "The only thing tougher than a trucker is a truckers wife".
If you agree with this send me an e-mail (after you comment so we can also hear your response thats why we are here(inserted by moderator)), I'd love to hear from you,, and the best thing we can do for our spouses is stand beside them every step of the way everyday.
Thank all that is good, for our truck drivers both male and female, without you, our nation would litterally fall...something to ponder on with all the new laws making it harder to stay in the field of truck driving.
Anyway, may you all have blessings everyday in your lives...Vanessa, Phillip and family