The honest truth

by Jessica
(Victoria australia )

Being a Truckers Wife is Exhausting

Being a Truckers Wife is Exhausting

I am a truckers wife of 10yrs……

The beginning of my husbands truck driving career was amazing and great we loved and respected each other and I appreciate him he valued me and loved time with me when he was home I would also go on the road with him loading and unloading truck doing everything I could…IT WAS GREAT

After 3yrs he cheated on me with a women he was texting on the road this cheating kept happening on and off for 7yrs roughly I kept forgiving until one day I said it was to stop or I’m out, he did get better and showed more commitment to me for quite a while I found out I was pregnant after 6.5yrs of trying. It was hard because I was unsure of our relationship and in disbelief but I persevered and he was great until son was born…

He started to be home less and when he was home he was on the phone constantly in between that his mother is a very clingy and manipulative person which also put a huge toll on our relationship as she constantly interfered with our relationship and me raising son

He works so hard I understand and respect that but let me be honest brutally honest I have spent 10yrs lonely. 10yrs sometimes crying myself to sleep it feels utterly horrible when u literally to everything for this man sacrificed your career to raise child u do absolutely everything and only ask for a little help when home but unfortunately the truckers wives are very very under appreciated by their trucker

Truckers have a very hard life but do they ever stop to think about their wives and gf that are doing their everything alone everything “

Do they think with child or children how their partner literally gets zero time to breath zero time to themselves zero time to find themselves after having a child..

Moral is that it’s emotionally and physically exhausting to be a truckers wife u will become independent u will become emotionally shut off in many ways but if you are strong enough and push through all of it it does work and can work

I personally and giving a shout out to the truckers wives or gf out there who understand this and do appreciate their men but just wish they could be appreciated too loved too

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Oct 18, 2024
I See You and All the Wives - And Appreciate Good Women Like You
by: Hervy

Jessica, I hope you and the family are doing well.

I definitely appreciate a good woman and especially trucker wives. (And other women who have husbands who are not a closer to a traditional part of the household)

It takes a special woman to navigate the situation. Especially to keep hope and try to make things work.

I commend you for the efforts, commitment and dedication.

Yes, ladies like you should be appreciated and honored. It's not easy. I wish all truckers who left a loving spouse behind at home would pause for a moment and actually try to put themselves in your shoes. (It's impossible) If a sincere attempt was made, they would at least catch a glimpse of what it is like.

Of course, being on the road is not a piece of cake but I think most of you ladies at home already know that.

I just hope everything works out and that you are in community with other trucker wives who can identify with what you're going through.

I will share your story with truckers here in America in hopes that they will get to feel how their actions and behavior is experienced by someone they supposedly loves.

Maybe they will do better.

Thanks so much for sharing.

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