The Loneliness is a Hard Sometimes

by Andrea

Hubby and I on vacation

Hubby and I on vacation

The weeks drag by but boy do the weekends fly!
Hubby and I are raising grandsons. We love the weekends with papa but Mondays are a drag. Especially for me.

Goodbye to hubby and the boys are gone at school all day. The loneliness is unbearable at times!

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Jun 04, 2014
I hear you NEW
by: Anonymous

I just said goodbye to my husband for another 11 days. We have raised our children and they now have children of their own. My husband just started driving about a 1 1/2 years ago so he is a late life driver. Before this we had hardly ever been apart. I find myself on the verge of tears sometimes because I miss him so. He calls me every day sometime 2 or 3 times. We don't even have to say anything it is just enough to know the other one is their. His company allows ride alongs but we have pets and plants and the normal things that need to be taken care of at home. I count my blessings and try to keep myself busy but especially at night it is really lonely. He works hard and is so tired when he gets home that he sleeps most of his home time so we don't get much quality time together. It's hard but I know he is doing it to better our lives. Sure do miss him though.

May 20, 2014
...... NEW
by: Anonymous

count your blessings and be thankful for all you do have........

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