The night before.

by Kathy

Everyday is hard, but the day or night before my fiance comes home is the absolute hardest. We have been a part of this life for almost 5 years, and I still cry everytime Shawn leaves. Even though we talk on the phone at least 10 times a day, I still miss him like crazy. He is so supportive of me and our son and hasn't failed to be home for the really important days and events. Even if it meant taking a load that really didn't pay all that much.

I think the couples that are together every night and pray for a night out with the guys/girls, don't know what they really have. They don't know what it is really like to be in a relationship, yet still have to sleep alone and raise children alone on a day to day basis.

That's it, I know that all you wives/girlfriends know exactly what I am talking about. We love our man, but wish he didn't love the road. Maybe we are all secretly praying that he will get that local job someday.

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Feb 23, 2012
clingy much NEW
by: Anonymous

Jessica I'm sorry but I have to say, Who are you to judge what is too clingy? maybe that's just how their relationship is. My trucker texts me during the day when he can, sometimes thats most of the day and he calls whenever he can and yes sometimes thats quite often. but were not clingy by any means. My man just like to tell me he loves me and see how my day is. how would you like to be judged. this lifestyle is hard enough without people like you judging us and making it hard. think how you treat other people. I bet you wouldn't like that if someone talked like that about you! It's a reflection of what type of person you are

Jan 20, 2012
clingy much? NEW
by: Jessica

yeah, 10 times a day?! That's a bit obsessive to me.

Im lucky if I get a txt a day. you really need to learn how to exist on your own without 10 phone calls a day from him, sheesh.

Jan 11, 2010
by: Anonymous

Amen. That's all I have to say to your story. None of my friends understand what it takes.

Jul 25, 2009
by: Jennifer S


You are so right on all levels. It is hard for all of us. Now there are those women that love their man being gone, but for the most part, most of us do not

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