The OilField Ain't For Just AnyOne You Have to Know What You Are Getting In To!

by Ricky.D

Well I Have Been in the oilfield ever since I could get a job I started out as roustabout work and from there got CDL at 21 and been driving since.

I tell you one thing, what you will make in the oilfield is twice as much as you will make compared to over the road company driver jobs.

Also, most of these local oilfield jobs you are mainly home every day depending on what you do. There are some jobs that require you to stay out for days or even weeks at a time but like I said depends what you get in too you can roughly make any where from Minimum as $40,000 a Year To $100,000 Plus A year depends on what kind of work.

Experience driving a Van Don't mean Nothing in the oilfield I will tell you that now. You are better off staring at the bottom driving a Vacuum Truck or a Hot Shot Driver. That would be the best unless you get with a Frac Company and they will pretty much teach you every thing.

They are always looking for new drivers it pays damn good but a lot of labor involved sometimes.
plus there is always room to grow in a company like.

There's plenty of work in oilfield you just have to Find Out what your Calling Is First.

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Jan 26, 2014
oil stayhungry money NEW
by: nate


Feb 22, 2013
Vaccum Truck NEW
by: Anonymous

this is the most demanding dirtiest ugliest job in any oilfield but if you are good at it can be very rewarding 110,000 plus a year not bad for low level long as they keep hiring green workers there will always be vac work

Feb 05, 2012
Want to get a CDL for the Oil Field Industry, I know who can help.
by: Anonymous

A friend of mine just returned to Odessa with his CDL. I had to ask him, how he got them so fast, because I have heard that schools are from 8 weeks and up to complete.

He told me that I should go to Weatherford, Texas. There is a company there that will assist you with the road test, all you need to do is pass the written test. He gave me this website address so I thought I would share it,

He told me they are not like most of these companies that give you one try then charge you extra. This company spends the time with you that you need to get you familiar with the vehicle and the road test. I had to check it out for myself, now I have my CDL's and I am in the oil field, good money.

That place is not a rip off, they used to drive the road themselves and they make safety first on their list.

Feb 04, 2012
Trucking in the oilfields
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing Ricky D.


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